Charles Moskos is professor emeritus of sociology at Northwestern University. His research interests include military sociology, national service, and Greek Americans.
Professor Moskos is the author of many books including The American Enlisted Man, The Military--More Than Just a Job?, The New Conscientious Objection, A Call to Civic Service, Black Leadership and Racial Integration the Army Way, and The Postmodern Military: Armed Forces After the Cold War, and Greek Americans: Struggle and Success. In addition to over two hundred articles in scholarly journals, he has published pieces in the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Washington Monthly, Chicago Tribune, Atlantic Monthly, and The New Republic. His writings have been translated into nineteen languages.
The Wall St. Journal calls Dr. Moskos the nation's "most influential military sociologist." The Economist termed him "the dean of military sociologists." His research has taken him to combat units in Vietnam, Panama, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Haiti, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Iraq. He was appointed by George Bush to the President's Commission on Women in the Military (1992) and by the U.S. Senate to the Commission on Military Training and Gender-Related Issues (1998). In 1993, he advised Nelson Mandela on ways to racially integrate a post-apartheid military in South Africa. In 1994, President Clinton cited Professor Moskos on national television in announcing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy on homosexuals in the military and again in 1996 as the inspiration for his youth service program. In 1999, he served as the special adviser to Vice President Gore's international conference on fighting corruption in security forces. In 2000-01, he was a member of the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century.
He holds the Distinguished Service Award, the U.S. Army's highest decoration for a civilian and has been designated Honored Patriot by the Selective Service System.
Charles Moskos has been a Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, an Annenberg Fellow, and a Guggenheim Fellow. In 1999 he was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.
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